Our Powder
Our powder is created from Soy Protein. It can be a replacement or addition to your diet and is high in branched chain amino acids! Each serving contains all 9 essential amino acids.
Vegan powder is proven to lead to less bloating and easier digestion. This is because of its digestable enzymes, as well as mixing with water instead of milk. Not only easier to digest, but perfect for weight loss! High in protein, low in fat and carbs!
Our Whey
Unique flavours
Enjoy a crisp and refreshing alternative to milky/sugary shakes, with our exotic fruit flavour choices! Our flavours are completely unique to anything else on the market.
The range is inspired by the worlds most wonderful tasting exotic fruits to maximise your potential and enjoyment.
Our Whey
Why Soy?
Soy protein contains no cholesterol as well as being low in saturated fat, all whilst being a high quality protein! Unlike many other plant based products, Soy is high in Zinc. Low levels in Zinc are linked to low levels of testosterone which impacts muscle growth and feeling tired. So if you're feeling drowsey, sip on an ELEM shake!
Enjoy consuming protein in an alternative way! We know convenience is key in our busy ELEM lifestyles. So here is our whey.
Our Whey
Real Fruit Powder
Here at ELEM we blend our product with real fruit powder! So you are actually consuming real fruit in every serving, no false flavourings. Giving you the most refreshing and natural taste.
No other proten supplement on the market can also give you the worlds naturally grown vitamins and nutrients that are contained in fruit the way we do!
Our Spice
Why Spice?
Spices provide huge health benefits! And all natural too. These benefits include; weight loss, pain relief, gut and heart health, improve brain function, and life longevity benefits!
To see the full list of spice specific benefits and find the right spice for you, click the link below!
Our Spice
Spices can be found in many forms. But why do we choose to use liquid form? Taste.
Our liquid spice and soy powder blend mix wonderfully with each other, ensuring you get the maximum enjoyment when drinking!
Our Spice
Earth's Medicine
Spices are our planets natural medicine! For thousands of years we as humans have used our worlds naturals growths to improve and enhance our health.
If you want to find out more about the history of spices, check out our blog!